[Gallery] A hole in one – Cute Fried eggs with a hat

Also known by waay to many creative names “toad in the hole”, “gashouse eggs”, “a hole in one” and “spit in the ocean” this fried egg recipe is so simple and yet just so delicious.

So lets set something straight – Its Thursday and we are already waiting for a long and lazy weekend (or a sleepless and crazy one, whatever floats your boat yo). At any given choice, there is nothing like a nice and fancy looking easy breakfast to either get your day started or cure a little of that horrible hangover of yours (aka drink responsively and for the love of god – if you have to drink, get a proper one.)

Don’t forget to marinate the egg and the bread for a much tastier texture. After you turn it, just add a little cheese on top so it melts for a yummier and much sturdier alternative (to the hangover folks)



  • Incognito Chef

    In house chef

    Food enthusiast - your average corporate career junkie with some weird taste in food. Tasty healthy food that can be done quickly, with the least amount of mess and easy breezy.


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