Sexy Sardines total makeover

There is something about different cultures that amazes me – from how sushi chefs slice tuna differently from each other to eating chicken on a banana leaf with your hands in the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Btw here it is this delicious goodness:


But for all cultures something that is local from them – is so totally normal that you fail to understand how amazingly unique everything is (i.e do Mexicans call Mexican food, food? )

I was traveling by Pogradec yesterday, and there are some fishermen that sell their fresh produce – and most importantly, together with their unique fish that grows only in the Albanian side of the Ohrid Lake, Koran – they sell these small bags of sardines – freshly fresh fresh sardines. So I took two of those, got home and you can imagine my mouth practically watering – because lets be realistic – fresh fish – I GOT THIS.

Now I added a little spin to the way one would normally cook them. Lets make sardines sexy shall we?

Cleaned them up – basically you have to open them, clean the insides carefully, wash them really good – be careful – it’s a messy process and if you don’t wanna end up smelling like fish – please wear plastic gloves.

Marinating is the royal trick. Salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, paprika and saffron spice, slices of lemon, slices of onions, slices of tomatoes and a little olive oil. Wrap it up in plastic paper really tight. Let it sit while you clean up your hands, the area and get a frying pan (deep one – its gonna spatter) and add plenty of vegetable oil.

Hot tip: Usage of vegetable oil in frying stuff is recommended because it reaches a higher temperature and the oil doesn’t actually burn.

In another plate just add plain flour. One by one, the sardines, in flour, then in the hot pan. Careful not to burn yourself please. Cooking is straightforward.

This is perfect bar food – to be when you have friends over or when you are like me – have it all by myself while I watch The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


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  • Incognito Chef

    In house chef

    Food enthusiast - your average corporate career junkie with some weird taste in food. Tasty healthy food that can be done quickly, with the least amount of mess and easy breezy.
